Sunday, March 12, 2006

Heaven's to Betsy

I cannot tell you what joy it gave me to actually see a comment on my blog. Someone is reading my drivel and has the temerity to say he enjoys it! I am his slave for life. Plainly that is hyperbole, so please don't think I will be a slave for only one comment. But I am giddy with pure joy, nevertheless. Thank you.

Well. Winter is starting its ugly time. thaw, snow, thaw, dirty snow, thaw, slush, mud, SPRING. I suppose we are in for a few tournament blizzards yet. Who knows? ( For those of you not from Minnesota, it is the going wisdom that when the March tournaments start, the blizzards also descend upon us.) This is not a typical weather year, so we might actually start Spring tomorrow. That would be ok with me, I guess.

I can remember landing in California and being absolutely shocked and thrilled by the GREEN there. When I returned to Minnesota, I had had enough green and was thrilled by the startling WHITE snow. My eyes evidently feast on the color they have not been seeing lately. I am fickle about it all. An equal opportunity color lover. Absence makes the eye love more?

Off to my day. Off to check my daily blogs. Happy Sunday. vicki

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