Saturday, March 25, 2006


I want you to feel my pain. This cold has got me down. This is a picture of me after I had my eyes "done." And it should give you some idea of how horrible I feel from this cold, as well as discouraging any one else from having surgery on their eye lids. I had to have mine done as the eyelids were starting to refuse to stay open. Not good if you like to read or watch television. But I can't quite see doing surgery just for appearances. This should discourage you. I hope it doesn't keep you from ever opening this blog again. Oofta.

Well. I had the worst night last night of my ordeal of this cold. Sore throat and coughing all night. Bummer. And I have to confess that as I look at that terrible picture of me, it makes me laugh. A variation of schadenfreude, Izzy. Anything to raise my spirits. Sigh.

Have a good day. Right. Cough, cough.


Anonymous said...

mom, you are one of a kind! n

Izzy said...

yes, truly one of a kind! i used to take pictures of myself in my most miserable state, too (i.e. face swollen shut, impetigo, hives). however, i don't think i could ever find myself feeling any sort of schadenfreude from that picture, unless of course it was subtitled "you should've seen the other guy."

hope you start to feel better,