Sunday, April 02, 2006

Back to Normal

Today has been a wonderful day. I feel great. Was able to sing in the choir and didn't cough even once! Pastor Irv is back after a three month sabbatical. All's right with the world. Well, of course, that isn't true! But my world is much improved.

Izzy: I can't even download your blog because those blasted video things take up too much space. Advise me - how do I use them. They don't do anything, no matter which of those little arrows and things i click on. sob. sob.

We had a great trip to Fargo yesterday. Bought some books and ate some shrimp at Red Lobster. I love those biscuit things they give you. The Buffalo River was over its banks and we could see flooding in many fields. The highway and streets were fine, though.

We are contemplating going to the movies tonight. We are getting downright frisky. Right. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

do you have dial-up internet or a cable hook-up? i don't know for sure, but i think that the slower the internet connection the harder it will be to view the videos. the videos should have a "play" button in the center of the screen when fully uploaded that you can click on to view. if you never see that then i don't know what to do. i am sorry i can't be of more help.

glad to hear that pastor irv is back in town. make sure to tell him good sermon from his son isaac. ha.

talk to you later,