Saturday, April 01, 2006

Fools' Day

Well, I feel a little about this day the way I feel about Mother's Day and Father's Day. Every day should be dedicated to all the fools in the world. They need all the help they (we) can get! If we didn't have a little foolishness to decorate our hum drum existence we would be in a sorry state. I'm for dedicating every day to foolishness... at least a little foolishness.

I have decided I am not going to take paintings to Hawley. It is too long a haul and I was reading the instructions ( a little late, I admit) and realized I have to pick up the paintings next Sunday afternoon at 4. I am going to be meeting with the birthday club in Alex on that day, so I decided it was getting too complicated. Maybe next year.

So..... we are going to Fergus to pick up some paintings from the Waage exhibit, and then on to Fargo for an old folks' day out. Books and food, that's the ticket.

Hopefully there won't be enough flooding that it impedes our path. All the news brings back memories of the flood when John and Beth lived north of Moorhead on the river. Now that was flooding. Hopefully it is still in the infant stages and won't be bad. I will report later. God willing and the creek don't rise.

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