Friday, April 07, 2006

Just one more pear!

This was a beautiful pear that I bought and photographed in California. I was going to paint it but didn't have the right kind of paint with me to do what I envisioned. If I get busy and do it now, I will include a foto of the painting. That should be kind of fun. Maybe not. Whatever. We'll have to wait to see how it turns out.

Naomi is home visiting which is always great. She is only here for a couple of days, but we take whatever we can get! She has her dog with her. A very smart Australian Blue Heeler. He's quite aggressive and wanting to herd all the people to do his bidding. She is having limited success training him, but each time we see him he has improved a lot.

Naomi, George and I are heading out for an adventure this afternoon. I have no idea what will finally happen, but we will go shopping, drink coffee and talk. Time will tell. More tomorrow.

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