Thursday, April 20, 2006

Still on the go

Today I am once more hustling into my clothes, but for a much less fun event. I just found out that an old friend has died and the funeral is today. Her name is Mitzi Saunders. We had lost touch with one another because of the pressures of life, and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her in her last illness. I feel let down about myself. I think I should be more careful to keep track of my buddies.

At one time we were very fond of each other and into every kind of silliness. We would meet and tell stories, play Scrabble (she was a fanatic player), take trips to Fargo to go to the King's Table for dinner and make a mandatory stop at Barnes and Noble, and meander out to her house boat place outside Dalton. She kept the place just for fishing. She loved to fish. She was diabetic and carried hot tobasco sauce with her to pour on all food to awaken her taste buds. Any illness she had was exacerbated from an exposure to Agent Orange during the Korean War. Because it wasn't during the Viet Nam War she never got any satisfaction from the government or much help with her ailments. But she kept on trucking. She was an inspirational figure to me. And a good friend. And then life conspired to keep us apart for awhile. I regret that. The lesson is to keep your friendships current.

May God bless her and keep her. I will miss her.

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