Monday, April 03, 2006

Intrepid grandson

One has to get the correct protective wear to compete in life. I'm not sure I have what I need for my life, but I keep on trying. The spiritual armor I need to keep on keeping on must look as bizarre to some people as this outfit of Matthew's does to me. All this so he can ride on his scooter, I think. Or is it inline skates? I'm not sure. Anyway, he's prepared! Maybe he has some wheels in the heels of the shoes that he's wearing. I'm just not sure.

I went to the gym this morning, but I am woefully out of shape after my three week hiatus. I'll keep on truckin' and hope soon to be able to reach the level at which I can keep up. I have to be ready for my belly dancin' efforts. I will hope to include some awesome pictures from that adventure, so be sure to keep on checking this awesome blog! You bet.

I think I've figured out why sometimes I can't download (why not upload?) pix onto this site. It is when I've been checking some of the other blogs I read before I come here to do mine, ESPECIALLY Izzy's. Yeah, man, that video stuff is a drag. I do only have dial up, so that's probably why. Sigh. I love your blog, so don't abandon the pix that I can manage. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE. adios

1 comment:

Izzy said...


I was in tokyo last weekend to some some cherry blossom viewing and shopping. the blossoms were amazing! but the best part was the used english bookstore i found.

i am stacked for a while.

right now i am reading "the namesake" by jhumpa lahiri, and i love it.

sorry about the videos not working for you. i will try to keep the pics most of the time, but occasionally i may throw in a video.

talk to you later,