Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I know I've had this painting in the blog before, but I had to share some good news with you. I went to retrieve two paintings from the Waage Art Show and discovered I had received a Merit Award for this painting. I was very excited and glad. I soldier on with the art stuff wondering what in the world I'm doing, so a pat on the back is appreciated. Thank you Minnesota Community and Technical College, Fergus Falls, for the kudos. I had the killer sore throat so I wasn't able to go to the open house for this show.
The name of the painting is Evening Tide and I painted it to go with a poem by an Alexandria poet.

Izzy is reading a book entitled "The Namesake" and I was reminded of the mix up I have had with my name through the years. My nickname is Vicki. My real name is Delia Loretta. No one has ever called me Delia, so when I get the phone calls to best friend Delilah or DeLia or whatever, I realize it is someone who doesn't know me at all. My nuclear childhood family has always called me Loretta, but when I went off to college I realized that the comparison of my klutzy overweight self with the other Loretta, Loretta Young, was just downright bizarre. She would come floating in on a cloud of chiffon every week on her television show, and I would just trip and fall and break a toe. In response to this impetus, I took the nickname "Vicki" from my maiden name, "Vick." Every time someone would wonder what my last name was, they would say, "Vicki.... Ah, I don't remember your last name," and I would say "Vick," and they would feel foolish. It was great.

I had a go-around with it when I was out in California. John took me in to the day-care place and signed me in as Vicki Larson so I could pick Matt up. One of the days I went to pick him up they asked me for identification, so I gave them my driver's license and my pass, and both of them were in the name Delia L. Larson. It took half an hour for them to track Beth down and get her ok to let me pick up Matt. I was glad they were careful, however.... you can't be too careful these days.

The quilts that I have been telling you about have been quilted and are getting the binding sewn on. I will be finishing up the last little bit of stitching by hand, and they will be done. They are looking great. Cherie says she and the kids might be stopping by to pick them up later in the year, so that will be lots of fun. I'm sure I wouldn't recognize the kids as they have been growing by leaps and bounds. They are a great niece and nephew!

It is a beautiful sunny day. The wind is raw today, but just looking outside, it's great.


Izzy said...

that was an awesome story! why didn't you go by the name delia? i wish i had an interesting story to go along with my name....i just know of the biblical story, isaac meaning laughter (which i thin is a good fit since people are always laughing AT me).

the painting looks awesome. how big is it?

ok, talk to you later delia loretta "vicki" vick-larson.

isaac james "izzy" arnquist (esquire)

Ashlee said...

when i was little i came upon my best friend/neighbor's library card and found out her name (gasp) wasn't really nicky, but meredith! i was shocked and confused, but mostly about her preference for nicky over meredith.

i am with isaac, why not delia?

also, i love those vivid colors in your painting. thanks for sharing your art!

ashlee jo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Of course I already have that all handled! And you could add to that list "Ecercise Buddy".

Hannah and I visited Isaac's mom today and talked about your blog connection. She said "You never know what Isaac is going to write on his blog"

Just to let everyone know Vicki told me she would exercise today and she NEVER showed up! BOO HOO

Anonymous said...

the namesake.. i love that book :)..