Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Challenges of Life!

I continue to be slapped in the face by the ongoing challenges of life. Things that I used to take in stride now take major attention. I am losing things left and right... or maybe right and left, who knows? A suitcase I always use for my art workshops. A bag packed carefully with tea pots from the mother/child show. And who knows what I have lost that I don't know that I have lost because it hasn't come up yet. Sigh. Oh, well, off to my scheduled day.

I am attending an art workshop. I - on other occasions - have sworn I would not take art workshops. They are too hard on my ego. But I bounce back and sign up again. And then I realize why it was that I didn't like to attend them. It isn't that they aren't good, they're wonderful and thus point out that I am NOT good. I don't paint at all like other people and that makes me feel inferior. Then I give myself a pep talk. My strength is that I do not paint as the others do. It is my very idiosyncracies that make my art appealing to some people. Anyway, that is my pep talk. Sigh.

Now, once again, where is my stuff? Sigh. May we all have a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beauty of art is "WHO IS TO SAY WHAT IS RIGHT OR WRONG?" You paintings are stunning and I refuse to let you be hard on yourself! I do not like abstract art but yet your paintings captivate me!! They are not like other abstract paintings, which is GOOD!

Miss you at the gym. Just another Ho Hum day without you!
