Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Just Another Day in May

What a beautiful day. Everything is fresh after the rain. Went to the gym. Had a good confab with my friend Karen. Life is good.

I miss my contacts with Izzy. He should be back from Mongolia soon. The end of his stint is May 10, but whether that is the day he returns or not I don't know. He may choose to do a bit of traveling, too.

I am attempting to do a HUGE job. I am going to clean and rearrange my "Vicki" room. Some would call it a junk room, but I call it my office. The junk room part is starting to tip over into the majority classification, so I have agreed to try to do something about it. Wish me luck. I will certainly need that and also a great big dose of patience. Sigh. To say nothing of muscles in both my arms and legs. And brain.

George is out spreading fertilizer on our wonderful green yard. I was needed to come out and hold things while he adjusted the spreader. Ah, yes. The wonderful work expended in making the yard beautiful and green. Another sigh. But whatever floats your boat, I guess. I have my own quota of idiosyncratic behavior. So I better not say much. Just a little? No? Okay.

Take care and have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

Please don't think I'm too harsh but you could say thank you Lord for a husband who is a good steward of what You have given us and takes cares of everything.

I have to remind myself of those things everyday. I never want to take things or people for granted. Like your presence at the gym, for example. You are a breath of fresh air to start my day. THANK YOU

So, now, I will be a good steward and go feed my hubby lunch.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do say that, Karen, but I also rail at the idea of all the macho tending of lawns with the concommitant pollution of the atmosphere and the high use of gasoline. The other stuff he takes care of, Wahoo!! vicki