Wednesday, May 03, 2006


By calling this blog Funk, I am not referring to the remarkable and likable golfer Fred, but to my state of mind. I have included this painting (which is not my present pear painting but one which is in a private collection ) because I am feeling remarkably like the gray background. I am in a funk.

Hopefully it will soon meander off, but in the meantime it is difficult for me to blog. I am keeping on with my life with as much oomph as possible, but it is difficult to sleep and I felt a bit flu-ish this morning. Painting is even more difficult in this funkish state.

The weather has not cooperated. It is wet and soggy and gray when it isn't downright stormy. Strangely enough I like storms, it's the long dreary nothing times of just glug that I don't like. I am hoping soon to feel like the red foreground in the painting. That would not be funk - it would be pep. The pears are cooooooool. Ah yes.

Do a comment to cheer me on the way. Click on comment at the bottom of the post, then write your comment, click on other, recognize the screwy letters and publish. I need some cheering up. Yeah.


Anonymous said...

You are a very good writer and should be working on a book. ..funk or no funk, I thunk. Love, Fran

Anonymous said...

mom-you are beautiful-n