Friday, May 05, 2006


Well. I'm feeling better because I have self diagnosed why I am feeling so peculiar. I have diverticulosis as a constant, and when it acts up it is called "itis" and I finally feel that is what is happening. I have several things I can do to try to quieten the "itis" so it will lay back down and only be "osis." I am doing those things, and if successful - no harm no foul. If I am not successful I will have to take a trip to the medico. Sigh. But at least my spirits are better when I realise what is probably wrong. Go figure.

The weather is cold here. George went golfing yesterday to prove he is up to it with his golfing team buddies. And he does love it. But it was too cold and his hands protested. He actually has golfing mittens that cover his hands when it is not necessary to clutch a club. These folks are dedicated golfers. The "powers that be" cancelled play, but most of the team insisted on playing. Fun. Right.

Thank you to those who sent me e-mails or left comments. I really appreciate it!

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