Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Wow. I just got back from the gym that I go to. It's called "It Figures" and it is the greatest. Hats off to Barb. She has three new machines in for us to try out to see if we like them, and which of the two elliptical "pacers" (I don't know the correct terminology) are the best. I really like one of them, but my buddies like the other one. Sigh. And a new bicycle machine that I just love. I may get a really vigorous work out if the machines come to stay. I am excited! I go to the "gym" to work out for the good of my body, but the fun we have is SO good for my soul. It is a lively group and my special workout buddy, Karen, has become a good friend. Life is always exciting, and new friends are an especial gift from God.

We are also being invited to a belly dancing class. Hmmm. They keep reassuring me that I can keep my regular clothes on. I don't need the bare midriff (does that have two fffffffs?) and bells, but I have really a hard time envisioning myself doing this. Stay tuned.

Today is rather springlike, although I look out and see snow. If the temperature stays as it is, it should be horrible looking rather soon. Of course, the joke about Minnesota is that if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes ... it will change. The trouble is, it doesn't always change to the better! However, the variety is exciting.

If I do take that belly dancing class, I promise to include a picture of the outfit I finally decide to wear. I can guarantee that it will be a disappointment! Such fun. Have a GREAT day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me-I welcome the ugly mud! That means summer, my favorite season is on its way! I can't wait!!!!!!